Tuesday, August 6, 2024

An Introduction to the 1.25 Meter Band

 One of my educational missions is to introduce all of the VHF Plus bands and remind you that all these bands - all frequencies and all modes - are available to any licensed amateur.  This month, we will look at a band that has always interested me: 222 MHz.  That's going to be my short-hand for the 1.25 meter band, which in the U.S. is actually 222-225 MHz. 


By all reports, 222 MHz has many of the qualities of 2 meters, with the added benefit of less consumer electronics interference and generally a lower noise floor.   As you may know, in the U.S., the amateur service has had a 224 MHz allotment since 1934, with full access to the 219-225 MHz range beginning after WWII.  In the late 80s, a private company lobbied the FCC for part of our spectrum and was eventually assigned 219-221 MHz, leaving amateurs with 222-225 MHz.  Thus a portion of the bandwidth was taken from the Amateur service.  Sadly, the allocation was never used commercially in a significant way.  The lesson, however, is that lack of activity on any of our bands can threaten our access. In other words, use it or lose it!


With few exceptions, 222 MHz is a Region 2 band, especially as a primary service.  However, historically only a few radios have been developed for this band, especially for weak signal (CW/SSB and digital) work.   While the geographic restrictions make true DXCC virtually impossible, one can still work many countries in North and South America,  including the Caribbean.  WAS is possible, through a combination of terrestrial and EME (moon bounce), and VUCC on 222 MHz only requires 50 grid squares, so there is plenty of paper to chase if you are so inclined.


When FM repeater activity increased in the late 1960s and early 1970s, amateurs found commercial equipment readily available that could be converted for use on the 2 meter  (144-148 MHz) and 70 centimeter  (430-450 MHz) amateur bands, so the bulk of FM activity settled there.  Today, there are a few 222 MHz repeaters in various parts of the country, but 2 meter and 70 centimeter remain the workhorse repeater bands. 


On the other hand, for many the real attraction of 222 MHz is on the weak signal side.  Elements of several propagation modes, including tropospheric, Sporadic E, and TEP are all possible.   EME is also in play, and most serious 222 MHz operators try to be on that mode if at all possible.    As a side note, you will generally find that many serious EME operators have several bands available and will be glad to try to work you on any common bands once a contact is made.  


You should be aware, however, that 222 MHz suffers from two key obstacles.  First, it is not a plug and play band.  As mentioned before, few radios were ever made with SSB/CW capabilities, so hams must build or buy their equipment. Most popular today is the use of a transverter, converting a 28 MHz IF into the 222-225 MHz range (The photo shows my DEMI transverter connected to my IC-7700).  High power isn't essential, but certainly helps.  As a result of the switch from analog to digital TV, a number of Harris and Larkin amplifiers came on the used market, reasonably priced and easily modified for 222 MHz use.


Second, partly because of the first issue, there is a distinct lack of operators. A dedicated group of amateurs is out to change that however,  providing advice, equipment, and encouraging activity during contests and hosting activity nights or nets on 222 MHz. They are the front line in the battle of "use it or lose it."


On Thursday evenings, at 730 local time, the Southern Ontario net is active on repeater VE3RSB.  224.740 MHz, -1.6MHz, no tone required.  The main purpose of the net is to jog people's memories about this neglected and forgotten band. We'll try to have some fun too!  Chris Smart, VE3RWJ asks that we spread the word.  I'll also mention that here in the Memphis, Tennessee area (EM55), we have a good group on the 224.780 repeater (107.2 tone). There is no formal net, but feel free to throw out your call sign as many are listening. While these are FM contacts, it's a great place to get your feet wet on 222 MHz, and meet some knowledgeable folks.


An even larger effort happens on Tuesday evenings, around 7 local time in the east.  David Olean, K1WHS, has been promoting activity on 222 MHz weak signal by attempting to get as many folks on the air at the same time as possible.  These Tuesday evening get-togethers seem to be catching on, and offer access to expertise and experience for those new to the band.  On a recent Tuesday evening, Dave reported that from his Maine QTH he worked stations in Montreal, Richmond, Virginia, Connecticut, Vermont, and Long Island, NY.  In all he worked 13 stations - a good total.  The 222 MHz calling frequency is 222.1 MHz, and for digital activity you will find folks near 222.080.

Dave, K1WHS, is happy to correspond with hams interested in getting on 222 MHz, whether fixed or mobile. He is good on QRZ.

Friday, July 26, 2024

Central States VHF Conference Presentation 2024

VHF and Above Opportunities for Technicians

Trent Fleming, N4DTF



It seems today that the focus on licensing for most new amateurs is to upgrade quickly.  Perhaps, especially for younger folks, there is a bit of the gaming mentality - completing a level, checking the box, and moving on.  Some even take the first two tests - or all three tests - together.  If this works for you, I say go ahead.   But I find too many folks who pass the General or Extra exam and then sit back and say "what do I do now?"  Ham radio is a hands-on, discovering and learning environment.  The book knowledge and theory is important, but so is your experience.


In my opinion, one of the best things about our hobby is the wide variety of things you can do under the umbrella of ham radio.  I think this is also true when discussing why people choose to enter the hobby.  For me, shortwave listening and CB radio created my interest in radio communications.  Others are interested in emergency communications, radio-controlled aircraft, or just obtaining their grandfather's call sign to keep it in the family.


Whatever the reason that gets you started, I think there is value in holding each class of license for a period of time, getting your feet on the ground, and gaining understanding.    Some of the basics of using transceivers, connecting power supplies and antennas, and making your first contacts (QSOs) are the same across all bands and modes.  I'd like to make an argument for exploring the privileges of each license class, and building on that knowledge to work toward the next.  Test preparation and test taking is a lot easier when you have some context within which to understand the materials you are studying.  


While it seems obvious, technician class really is a great place to start.  Establishing yourself on FM in the local community is a great way to get your feet wet.  Many hams start off with a handheld (HT) radio and are often disappointed when their signal is not heard well - or when they can't hear as much as expected.  The key limitation is the antenna system, of course.  But in denser metropolitan areas, repeater coverage (specialized radios that receive your signal and rebroadcast it with more power from a location with a good antenna) is so good that even your basic HT with a stock antenna will allow you get on the air.    Repeaters level the playing field by providing good line of sight communications over a wide range, taking away the variables of point-to-point communications.  On the local repeaters you will meet other hams in the area, participate in "nets" (which are roundtable exercises designed to both encourage activity and prepare for emergency communications), and learn of clubs and local activities.  For many hams, repeater life becomes a foundation of our other activities, and you will find us using repeaters daily to keep up with friends, coordinate satellite contacts or exchange “spots” when chasing an exotic foreign (DX) station.  


The Technician class license offers much more than FM repeaters of course.  Technicians have access to voice, and CW modes on selected HF bands, and complete access in terms of modes and frequency on bands above 50mhz.  In those bands two in particular stand out: 6 meters (50.0 to 54.0 Mhz) and 2 meters (144-148 Mhz).


In many areas, you will find FM simplex (point to point communications) activity on selected frequencies.  The basic 2 meter simplex calling frequency is 146.520, and many of us monitor that frequency regularly, especially when traveling.  You will typically find other simplex activity from 146.400 to 146.600.  There's some use 146.460 as an off-road calling channel, for example.  FM simplex will demand more from you in turns of antenna systems and operating practices.  Many clubs and organizations sponsor periodic simplex nets to encourage members to be prepared to communicate in the event repeater systems are not available.  I'm a big fan of this, as it advances our cause of preparation for service to the community during emergency situations.  Simplex nets will also help you better understand the variety of propagation modes available on the 2 meter band.  


Speaking of propagation, many hams work "weak signal" on 2 meters, using sideband, digital or CW, in order to make contacts when conditions are right (the sought after "band opening" ) using meteor scatter, tropospheric propagation, (a mode driven by temperature inversions or other weather phenomena) or sometimes even Sporadic E (which is not as common on 2 meters and above as it is on 6 meters) 


6 meters (50mhz) is often called the Magic Band.  It offers a myriad of propagation types, depending on the time of day and the time of year.  Six is a band that shares many of the characteristics of HF frequencies, as well as those of VHF and above.    The amateur bands have had a 6 meter allocation for many years, and in the 50s and 60s AM was even a popular mode.  Today there are still some proponents of 6 meter AM and you will find them around 50.4.  Over the last couple of decades, Six has gotten a boost from its inclusion on most modern HF rigs.  All the features of the HF side of the radio are generally available on Six, including 100w output.  Many hams run far less power than that and do quite well.  My first 50 QSOs on Six were made with a TenTec 2 meter to 6 meter transverter pushing 8 watts into a simple loop at about 20 feet.  When the band is open, especially during the late spring and early summer, there will be exciting periods of high activity and you'll be amazed at the contacts you can make.  


One of the key ways 6 meters opens up is via Sporadic E.  During the late spring and early summer, as well as in December and January, the E layer of the atmosphere behaves in such a way as to provide reflection for 50Mhz signals along single and double hop paths of 700 to 1400 miles.  As mentioned, these openings are exciting to participate in, but not as predictable or reliable as propagation on the HF frequencies.  Many of us keep a radio on 50.125 USB most of the time and occasionally call CQ to help in identifying an opening.    6 meters is also suitable for making meteor contacts.  Signals are reflected from the ionization trails of ever-present meteors, allowing brief QSOs, generally for distances under 1000 miles.  There is a regular meteor scatter group that meets on 50.145 USB daily between 7 and 8 am local time.    Long distance voice contacts are also possible on FM mode, and there are a number of dedicated 6 meter FM operators around the country.  These opportunities follow those on USB and CW, leveraging sporadic E to allow exciting contacts.  From the Memphis area, (EM55), I have made contacts while mobile into Michigan, North Dakota, and Texas.  Most FM work is centered around 52.525.

On 50Mhz and above, Maidenhead "grid squares" are the key exchange of any QSO, and many are working to gather contacts from all 488 of the grid squares in the continental US.  You can also work toward "worked all states" on the VHF and above bands and VUCC which is a minimum of 100 contacts on 6 and 2, fewer on the higher frequencies.  So there's no lack of paper chasing if you are so inclined.  


Finally, you may have 6 meter FM repeaters in your local area, another way to help you establish a reliable system (radio and antenna and operator) on that band.  As noted, many areas have 70cm (440 Mhz) and some may also have 1.25m (222 Mhz) band activity on FM repeaters.  A lot of handhelds have 2 meters, 70 cm, and 1.25 meter bands these days, while some substitute 6 meters for 1.25 meters.


The Importance of Antennas

I came of age in the 70s, and my stereo system was critically important to my high school self.  Thanks to mentoring from an older cousin and his friends in the music business, I learned early on that the needle on my turntable and the speakers on my shelves were the most important components.  In ham radio, there's a similar axiom: the antenna is the most important thing.  While many are tempted to run high power to get their signal out, a well-tuned antenna system will provide you with many opportunities for successful QSO's (contacts).  First and foremost, you will have the best chance of hearing any signals on the band.  Second, a properly tuned antenna system will protect your radio from damage when transmitting and allow you to transmit at the maximum power possible from a given system. 


As I said earlier, f you live within 10-15 miles of the repeater(s) you wish to access, you will be able to stand outside in your back yard and make contacts with a simple handheld radio.  But you will find that your home and car present obstacles to your signal getting out, so you will want to make plans to have an external antenna.  In most cases, a simple magnetic mount antenna will work great on your car and can easily be removed and transferred from vehicle to vehicle.  


For your home, you will find that a simple vertical antenna, mounted in your attic or (better) mounted on a 20-foot pole (two sections of chain link fence tops) will give you a much better signal and reception.  For a simple, inexpensive antenna google "J-pole" and see how easy it is to build one.  Such a setup will of course require some installation work, and a length of coax (connecting cable) but look, you signed up for a technical hobby: you can do it!  And lots of local hams will help!


Take time to be sure you have the right connectors for your radio, again referencing your manual to understand the exact type of connector your radio has and comparing that to what is offered with the various antennas you will review.


In summary, here are some key points for you.  First, get on the air.  Ham radio is a social activity, and you will quickly tire of only listening once you have that license in hand.  Every single one of us had that moment of fear and hesitation before we made our first contact.  The most important thing you can do is to listen and understand the type of communications you are hearing.  The typical evening nets in most areas are a great opportunity for you to make a first contact and break through your fear!  Listen to the net control, and pay attention to how others communicate (we call this giving their exchange) it is generally quite simple: name, call, location, perhaps the weather at your QTH (location) or some other factoid.  Just follow the leader.   While there are - sadly - some grumpy hams, you will find that the great majority of us are friendly, and eager to welcome and help new hams. Note:  if you are an established ham and find yourself in the aforementioned grumpy ham category, shake it off and find a new ham to help!!!!


SIDEBAR - programming a repeater offset

To get on the air with your local repeater, the most complex thing you will have to do is program your radio to properly access the repeater.  Repeaters use tones and a frequency offset to do their work.  The repeater offset allows the repeater to receive on one frequency and transmit on another.  The tone controls access to the repeater so that unusual propagation events don't allow you to access the "wrong" repeater.  You will hear the terms "repeater pairs" and "offsets," and we will cover this in more detail later.  For now, you will just want to identify the local repeater and the tone that is used.  Your local club's web site, or local repeater council's website, and often other sources, will offer a list of local repeaters with frequencies and tones.  Then, it is time to have a look at the manual that came with your radio and learn how to program the necessary information.  While it seems a bit intimidating at first, it is important to take time and figure out how to manually program a frequency.  You may want to invest in software to allow you to simplify the process, but again, understanding the basic operation of the unit is important to your success with the radio.  Many local hams are glad to help you.


Even if you sit for and pass all three license elements at one (wow! Good job!) you will find that the technician privileges are a great place to get started, and meet other hams who will help you on your journey.  Get on the air and have fun!






Tuesday, February 27, 2024

February 2024 Update on the Bands Above 50 MHz

 I hope you have been enjoying the improving band conditions, especially on 6 meters.  I must confess I’ve spent some time on HF, adding to my DXCC totals.  Lots of activity on 10 meters, but even 40 meters and 80 meters are cooperating some evenings.  

Back to VHF and Above.  This month, we have several upcoming events to tell you about.  There are plenty of places, from the west coast to the east coast, to gather with other VHF, UHF, and Microwave enthusiasts to swap stories, gear, and even learn something new!


My thanks to all who work to put these events together and promote them.  Please always send along any news about meetings, conferences, and on-air activities.  I’m happy to publish them.


2024 Conferences of Note

First up is MUD (not the kind all this rain is creating) but the Microwave Update.  This year’s conference is in Vancouver, British Columbia and will be held October 3rd through the 5th.  Mark Thompson, VE7AFZ, reports that all info about the conference can be found here -  Microwave Update 2024


From Bill Caldwell, N0LNO, comes news of the Central States VHF Society meeting in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, in July of this year.  More info here at the CSVHF web site at  http://www.csvhfs.org From experience I can tell you this is a knowledgeable group, with outstanding presentations.  Their proceedings publication is not to be missed.

Jay Baack, N1AV writes to let us know of the upcoming EME conference to be held near Trenton, New Jersey August 9th through the 11th.  While the focus of the conference is 432 MHz and above, those interested in working EME on 50, 144, and 222 are certainly welcome! There will be presentations, fellowship, and even an "EME101" course offered during the conference.  If you are at all interested in the world of "moon bounce" this is a great place to start.  Find the details at https://eme2024trenton.org

Odds and Ends

CAT Display Project

Luis, EA5DOM, from IM98 on the Mediterranean Spanish coast, writes to tell us of a project that may be of interest to those who use selected radios as IF decks for transverters on the higher bands.  Called Maxicom, this project is designed for operators using Yaesu radios as IF for their transverters. Maxicom has been developed in less than a year by Julio, EB4CUV (software) and Luis, (hardware) This is  basically a CAT display for Yaesu FT817/818/857/897. It is not only a nice color touch screen but also includes unique tools for the rover and portable microwave operator.


Some of the nicer features include an audio waterfall, memories by band to allow for storing regularly used frequencies, and a Sun AZ/EL indicator for calibration/alignment purposes.  The project is sold as a kit.  

Here are Dropbox links to the current user manual and Kit assembly manual in English


A link to buy the project HamBuy shop link is here

Any questions or interest, contact EA5DOM directly by email -  

(Note – I do not (yet) own one of these, and have no financial interest in the project)


10 Ghz Activity


From Pete, N0OY, we learn that he and WQOP made a couple of snow scatter contacts @1600z on February 16, their first. Both stations were on the back end of a large snow mass heading Northeast from Kansas.  Pete expects that others would find conditions ok for doing the same in similar circumstances.  Signals were 55a both ways and with about 1 khz of doppler. Sounded like spring!


Ron, W9ZIH has returned to the air on 10 Ghz and reports a successful contact with WD9BGA in Wisconsin at about 90 miles on February 22nd.  Signals were strong enough to support SSB transmissions, even with QSB.

On the Bench at N4DTF

Two projects of note around here.  First, in the interest of advancing technology, I am working to implement a Cariboulite SDR using a Raspberry Pi.  (Photo A) This device is a HAT for the 40 pin connector on the RPi.  Thus far, configuring the software is the biggest challenge.  Stay tuned for more updates on this little transceiver, which covers 30 MHz to 6 GHZ.  

Second, I am getting closer to having my Hallicrafters SR-400 "Hurricane" on the air.  (Photo B) Recent work included testing and replacing various components, especially capacitors, plus two tubes that tested bad.  Always something to "fiddle" with.

Making Contacts

Get on the air and make some contacts!  As we move closer to spring, tropospheric openings will be more common, you can watch for these via the Hepburn Maps at https://dxinfocentre.com/tropo.html

6 meters is experiencing a variety of propagation, including some F2 (HF – like propagation) when the solar flux rises above 150-175.  Watch www.DXmaps.com for openings.  Remember that there is a group of operators on 50.145 every morning using SSB to work meteor scatter, look for them beginning around 6 am local time.  Visit the Sidewinders on Two page to find a local 2 meter SSB/phone net at https://www.swotrc.net/TheSWOTRCHP.aspx

Finally, get your 222 Mhz equipment on the air around 6pm local time on Tuesdays, you will find a great group of ops on phone, EME and of course digital modes on Tuesday evenings.


Please continue to update me on your events and activities and I will post them here!








Wednesday, January 24, 2024

January 2024 Update on the Bands Above 50Mhz

Greetings and Happy New Year!.  Here are a few items regarding VHF and above frequencies that I hope you will find of interest.


Insights on the Magic Band

Just after the new year, a nice surprise turned up in my mailbox.  Jim Wilson, K5ND, sent me a copy of his new book “Magic Band Revealed.”  This is an update of Jim’s previous work on 6 meters and VHF in general, including work from his web site at K5ND.net.  I found this updated version to be chock full of old and new wisdom, and was able to read through it easily as Jim’s style is light and informative, even when handling more complex matters.  I’ve been on 6 meters for a while, and have learned much from this fickle, yet engaging band.  However, I found much in K5ND’s new book to help me expand my horizons on 50 to 54 Mhz.  In particular his treatment of meteor scatter (easier than you might think) and EME have instilled in me a desire to focus on these areas as next steps in leveraging 6 meters to make more contacts!  Finally, Jim has included a section on using SDR (software defined radio) techniques to improve your receive capabilities which is fascinating.  This is especially timely as several of the leaders from the Fred Fish Memorial Award (that provides recognition for those who confirm contacts with all 488 grid squares in the CONUS) have declared that SDR receive has been an important addition to their 6 meter operating position.

It is important to remember that the entire 6 meter band, and all modes of operating, are available to every licensed amateur in the US.  Here’s another way to leverage your Technician class license and gain valuable operating and technological experience.


I highly recommend Jim’s book.  It is available through his website at K5ND.net, and all the other usual sources.  If you read it, let me (and K5ND) know what you think!


New Microwave Group

Mark Thompson, WB9QZB, reports that there is a new group focused on microwaves, the Northern Illinois Microwave Group.  The purpose of the Northern Illinois Microwave Group is to promote the use of the UHF, Microwave & Millimeter Wave bands in Illinois and surrounding areas. 


Microwave enthusiasts and those interested in Microwave activity are encouraged to join the group at: 





December and January contacts to New Zealand


This year’s winter season into the south pacific has been good, and continues even as I write this on January 22, 2024.  Our friend Bob, ZL1RS, wrote on December 19, 2023, at 10:15:

“As a matter of possible interest, the approximate antenna and power for the ZL callsigns appearing in the screen shots from FT8 that several folks posted on social media are as follows”

ZL1SWW:      4 or 5 ele Yagi and 350W
ZL1AKW:       6 ele Yagi and 1kW
ZL1BQD:       3 or 4 ele Yagi and 100W
ZL1RS:          a 3-stack of 5 ele Yagis and 1kW
ZL3OZ:          3 ele Yagi and 70W, remote hill top QTH ~2500 feet ASL
ZL3GAV:       vertical and 100W?
ZL3RC:          7 ele Yagi and 1kW


Thanks to Bob for sharing this info.  Always interesting to see the operating conditions on the other end of the DX contact.  Don’t forget – when FT8 signals are strong, consider trying SSB and CW as well!!!



Well-known amateur radio operator and volunteer Joel Harrison, W5ZN, has announced renewed operations on 432 Mhz from his excellent station in EM45.  Joel is good on QRZ if you want to discuss 70cm weak signal work or arrange a sked.

That's all for this time.  73 and Good DX and Grid Chasing!!!!

Please keep me up to date on your operating activities, projects, and clubs.




Wednesday, December 27, 2023

A First on 902 MHz - 2 Meter Activity - Odds and Ends

 Greetings from EM55 and the Mid-South!  In the little time available to play radio, I admit I have been on the HF bands.  10 and 15 into the South Pacific have been especially good, I have added a few ATNO’s to my DXCC efforts.  One exciting thing I’ve seen is some 10m FM work from some of the dxpeditions.  I haven’t gotten in on it yet but it is a really good sign that folks in the states are working FM at those distances!  I want to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from my family.  Hoping for great openings on all bands all year long in 2024.  Take time to let me know about your activities, interesting contacts, projects, or questions.  I  always look forward to hearing from you!


A First on 902Mhz


By now, you have seen more about the report in last month’s column that Al Ward, W5ULA, has achieved the first WAS (worked all states) award on 902 Mhz.  As promised, I have more details.  Al was kind enough to spend some time on the phone with me recently to discuss his journey on 902 Mhz.


I asked Al what drove his interest in 902.  He told me that he became interested when US Amateurs gained access to the band in 1985.  Whe I asked “any particular reason?” His answer was simple “It was a new band!”  There’s a lesson there for all of us.  We need to use the allocations we have so as to keep them and perhaps gain a new one occasionally!


Al reports that 902 is not without its challenges.  First, it is a shared band, technical in the ISM range, so there is a lot of potential for interference, ranging from repeaters in the ham band to older wireless phones and weather stations, to actual ISM devices.  To address interference he suggests using a filter after the first stage of amplification.


I asked Al about modes and propagation.  He indicated that he started out with a lot of tropospheric/terrestrial contacts, he estimated 20 of his first 32 were done that way.  His longest tropo was with K0VXM in Florida, about 1,000 miles.  Which, as Al points out, is pretty good for tropo on any VHF+ band!  For the last 18 QSOs, he used mostly EME, with a combination of CW and more recently, Q65.   Al was quick to express his thanks for the rovers involved in helping him get all 50 states.  Peter KA6U,, Brian NX90 and Jay N1AV.  These rovers do great work by providing access to states and grids where there is just no activity.  Thank you for your efforts!


Al reports that he builds a lot of his own gear, including the first EME preamp he used, which was one he designed in his “day job.”   Significant changes over the years include solid state amps instead of tube amps, and of course the move to EME activity on the higher frequencies including 902 Mhz.


On the antenna side, dishes are preferred, Al suggested that the W2HRO dish is a great one to use, offering strength and portability.  There are no doubt other good ones out there.



Sidewinders on the Air – Promoting 2 Meter Weak Signal Work


Sunday Evenings 1900 Local on 144.250 MHz USB you will find a 2m roundtable focused on southern Utah and surrounding areas.  The roundtable is focused on Exploration, Experimentation, Communication, and Comradarie.


This month I’m including the write up from the Sunday October 22 event – thanks to Art, K7DWI and Kelly, KV7V for this information.


We had a total of 22 stations in 5 grid squares and 4 states on the air for the October 22nd roundtable.


Legend:  Moderator  Home Station  Mobile Station Portable Station Via Relay Via Remote



Station Call Sign

Operator Name


Grid Square




Santa Clara



WO1S via N7ARE


Wickenburg, AZ





Santa Clara





Colorado City





Saint George





Las Vegas, NV





Saint George





Cedar City










Saint George















Saint George





Saint George





Sun River





Las Vegas, NV





9 Miles East of Mesquite, NV





Saint George





West Wendover, NV





Old St. George airport bluff





Highway 14 Cedar Canyon



KI7L via K6FEU






KG7SXQ (Lynden) in Saint George rigged up his dual phased Hourglass antennas and sends pictures, attached.  (Photo A)

From Lynden:
 I could barely hear W01S but I could understand him. I could hear you (KV7V) S9 when you pointed your antenna SE otherwise you were S3.  I couldn't hear Jon, Serge etc.  Bob, Dennis, Mike, Gary were all S9 or more.  I'll have to load it up and go portable and compare it with my single hourglass.

KL7KTO (Bill) in Leeds sends pictures of his new fiberglass mast supporting a 2 element Yagi.  Bill has been heard in the Tucson area with this small antenna! (Photo B)


KF7YRS (Lee) in Saint George has been doing some preliminary design work on a reversible 2 element Yagi (1 driven element and 1 reflector for each direction.  He reports some interesting results with antenna modeling (Photos C and D).  


From Lee:

 During yesterday's pre-roundtable, Bill and I mentioned that we had been discussing a 2m reversible Yagi.  It would have some gain but maybe not require a rotator, since you could reverse the direction depending on which of the two driven elements you feed.  I played around with EZNEC this afternoon, and once I remembered how to work it, tested some configurations.  It was fun and I came out with a 3 element (one reflector and 2 driven elements) that looks good on paper.   I used half inch Pex-Al-Pex as the conductor and the projected SWR bandwidth looked great across the entire 2 meter band.  I tested the unused driven element as a solid wire or with a small gap in the center to mimic a feed point, made no difference.




A large Public Health drill will be held on November 9th.  Washington County ARES is keenly interested in gauging the effectiveness of VHF SSB for backup and emergency communications.  Please consider lending your skills and equipment to this important effort.  A short net will be called on 144.250 MHz USB at 9:45a.m. Mountain Time on the morning of November 9th.  There will be no exercise traffic passed.  This is solely for the purpose of testing the ability to reach areas of interest in Southern Utah and SE Nevada.  Target areas will be Beaver, Garfield, Kane, Iron, Washington and E. Clark County.  It is expected to last only 30 minutes, but if you only have time to check in and check out, that’s good too.  Regular SU2MSSBRT participant Dennis, KJ7ETX is now the Washington County ARES Emergency Coordinator and has really hit the ground running with his new assignment and he has personally approached me with this request and it’s an honor to have this request made of our group.  (Note that this event has passed, but I wanted my readers to see the effort this group puts forth)


Utah 2 Meter SSB Activity  

National Calling (Default 24/7 Monitoring) – 144.200 MHz USB

Southern Utah 2M SSB Roundtable – Sundays, 1900 Mtn Time – 144.250 MHz USB

(Pre-Roundtable informal chat on 144.200 MHz USB starting as early as 1800 Mtn Time)

Utah Valley VHF SSB Net – Thursdays, 2100 – 144.230 MHz USB

Central Utah 2M SSB Net – Mondays, 1900 Mtn Time – 144.250 MHz USB

Northern Utah 2M SSB Net – Mondays, 2000 Mtn Time – 144.250 MHz USB

Bridgerland ARC (NE Utah) 2M SSB Net – Thursdays, 2100 Mtn Time – 144.200 MHz USB



Remember 144.200 during the week and between roundtable sessions.  A few of us hang out and monitor there for activity on the National Calling Frequency, so put a call out there and you never know who you might work.


Please send any corrections of location and pictures of your station, especially portable operations.  Hope to hear you on Sunday evening!


Thanks again to Art and Kyle for this info.  I decided to include this write up because it does a great job of showcasing all the things hams are doing with 2 meters.  Everything from home brewing to public service events! 


Visit https://www.swotrc.net/TheSWOTRCHP.aspx to find a 2m group in your area and get on the air!  Even if you only have a vertical, give it a shot – email the net control and let them know you plan to be on the air, and they will listen for you – some are even set up to switch to vertical for you.   All will be welcoming and helpful, so don’t hesitate.


Wishing you great propagation and ice-free antennas!






